Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Miss Premo

By Student Reporter Brenden Lopez

Ms. Premo is retiring from Cedar Grove Belgium Schools this year after thirty nine years of working. She divided her time among the three libraries in the elementary, middle, and high school during her career. Along with that, she also was a volleyball, track, and pom pom coach. For forensics, she was the coach for thirty years in high school and did middle school forensics for nine years. Ms. Premo is also involved in the TC/CC booster club as their treasurer. During her retirement, she will continue to live in Cedar Grove and still be a part of the various things she is involved with now. She plans to play a lot of golf and do a lot of traveling during her retirement. The first trip she is taking will be to go to Egypt in November. Besides golf and traveling, she plans to catch up on her reading and to do some crafts. Thank you, Ms. Premo for your thirty nine years of service to Cedar Grove Belgium Schools.

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