Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First snow day of the year

On December 9th, the Cedar Grove-Belgium school district, along with many other surrounding schools, experienced the first snow day of this school year. A large snowstorm struck most of the state of Wisconsin, causing many closures of both schools and businesses. While the decision to close the school was made the night before, the snowstorm ended up not being as bad as predicted in our area. The roads were not the greatest throughout the day, so many were happy about the day off.
Last year, the unusually high number of snow days caused Cedar Grove-Belgium to end their school year significantly later than expected. As of right now the school is still undecided on how this day will be made up. It can be made up in two half days or at the end of the year. It all depends on how many snow days we have this year.

By: Matt Clark

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